
Research - Alexis - Members - Publications

Email: alexis.archambeau at ; Tel:

Dr. Alexis Archambeau (1986) graduated as an ESPCI engineer in 2010 before to pursue his doctoral studies under the supervision of Dr. Christophe Meyer and Pr. Janine Cossy (ESPCI ParisTech) where he studied the reactivity of cyclopropenes towards transition metal catalysts and obtained his PhD in 2013. After post-doctoral studies in the groups of Tomislav Rovis (Colorado State University, USA) and Jacques Maddaluno (IRCOF), he started his independent career as a CNRS researcher in the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis (LSO) at Ecole Polytechnique where he established in 2017 his own research group working on the development of new methods using modern organocatalysis and organotransition metal catalysis for the preparation of heterocycles.

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Members Publications Alexis Research